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How we handle and treat your personal data and information

Privacy Policy

Valley Rehab takes the collection and storage of your information seriously and complies with both the Data Protection Act 1998, and also the European General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

Kaye Hillsdon acts as the Data Controller and is responsible for maintaining all data records for Valley Rehab as a Sole Trader.


Information collected about you and how it is used

Once therapy commences, basic personal information such as contact details and the details of your registered GP will be collected as part of a ‘patient details’ form. During your therapy sessions, an initial assessment will be undertaken, and notes will be taken. The assessment and notes are used solely for the delivery of therapy to you and to comply with legal obligations which require all Physiotherapy sessions to be documented. Patients notes will not be shared with anyone unless authorised by the patient.


Hard copy data

Hard copies of documents are stored in a locked filing cabinet. This is situated in Valley Rehab head office and can only be accessed by Kaye Hillsdon.  These files are transferred between Valley Rehab and other clinic locations when required by Kaye Hillsdon only. No-one else has access to the files at any time.


Electronic copy Data

All electronic notes and reports are stored on a secure programme and emails written about work are kept in a separate email account which is stored online in a password protected account which only Kaye Hillsdon has access.

If you have emailed Kaye Hillsdon, and/or have consented to Kaye Hillsdon emailing you, your email will be stored in an account that is password protected.


Kaye Hillsdon will store your telephone number on her mobile phone which is password protected and to which only Kaye Hillsdon has access. Your number will not be identifiable as a client/ patient and the clinic phone is not marked as a clinic or work phone.


Valley Rehab will not share any information about you with third parties without your consent.



Legal right to request information

You have rights relating to the information Valley Rehab holds. You can verify the accuracy of the information or to ask for notes to be supplemented, deleted, updated or corrected.  You have the right to request the transfer of your data to another individual or company.


You have the right to request a copy of the information that Valley Rehab holds about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please email or write to Kaye Hillsdon via the contact details stated in this agreement. Information will be provided to you within 60 days, if appropriate.


Data Retention


Paper copies of session notes and contact details are kept in your file until therapy is completed. When your rehabilitation comes to an end, any hard copy documents will be scanned and saved on a password protected and encrypted computer only Kaye Hillsdon has access to. The hard copies will then be securely destroyed (shredded). Valley Rehab will hold your details, session notes and emails electronically for a period of 7 years. If you are under the age of 18 years old, records will be kept for 7 years after you reach the age of 18 years old. After this date, all data will be securely deleted and will not be recoverable by anyone, including Kaye Hillsdon.


Sharing of data

There may be times where your information needs to be shared with third parties e.g. GPs other therapists, lawyers. Kaye Hillsdon will explicitly ask your consent before doing so, and the data will be sent to third parties securely.

Security of your data


Information will be kept securely and confidentially in line with the data retention policy as stated above.

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